To apply to Horizons Virtual Learning Middle School please, click on the link below for the application.
Applicants must write legibly in ink and each step must be completed. Incomplete applications are not considered.
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How to Submit the Horizons Virtual Learning Application
Steps for students who currently attend a MDUSD middle school and want to transfer to Horizons Virtual Learning Middle School Program:
Students speak with the administrator or school counselor at their school
The home school must be notified first; the application cannot be considered further without having the application go through the home school first.
Students complete the Horizons application
Students return the completed application to their school counselor/administrator at their middle school.
Attendance Secretary/Registrar at the student's home school will process the application.
The home school will submit the application and student cumulative file through appropriate channels for formal administrative review.
Optional: Students who want to ensure that Horizons is aware of the intention to transfer may email (or send by US mail) a copy of their completed application to the Horizons School Office Manager. However, this optional step does not mean the application is accelerated for consideration. Students must include a message that states the actual date when the application was returned to the home school. By doing this, Horizons can at minimum anticipate the intentions of applicants.
Students who attend a non-MDUSD school and want to transfer to Horizons
Students who attend a school outside of the MDUSD school district will need to first initiate an Interdistrict Transfer to the MDUSD school district.
Students can begin, and learn more about, Interdistrict Transfers on the MDUSD website for enrollment procedures.
Detailed Transfer information is available through the Student Services department.
When an Interdistrict Transfer is in progress, students who are interested in Horizons will similarly follow the steps as described about returning the completed Horizons application (i.e. submit it to student’s MDUSD home school, etc.)
What happens when the application is submitted?
A thorough review of the application, along the student's school file, is a critical step in the process.
Decisions are not made lightly. A combination of factors are considered, such as determining the student's potential ability to perform well and whether the school's curriculum and resources are a good match.
Effort is made to ensure that students are always on the most appropriate path towards successful progress in their academic journey.
When will a student be notified about the status of the application?
Patience is key in allowing an application to travel through the proper channels along the process.
In general, it may take several days and more for all the required documents (application and student file) to be reviewed, processed, physically moved from one site location to another, and reviewed further.
If there are any concerns, we welcome reasonable inquiries about an application’s status and we’ll respond as best as possible.